Sunday, October 2, 2016

Shooting throughout the city of San Francisco
Techno Crane and Jimmy Jib

Ducey Pro Camera Cars
and the Mo-Sysy Lambda were used to capture stills for Lexus.
On the coast of Northern California's Hwy 1
the images were amazing. Two still cameras were placed side by side on the
Mo-Sys with the spin axis head. One camera was for 
live viewing for me to operate the wheels with while the 
other was used for capturing the actual stills.
Jay Coakley made the custom plates to hold the two cameras.

13 Reason Why

Anew series for NETFLIX
Shooting in the Bay Area of Northern California.
Production has utilized the Techno Crane and the Pegasus thus far.

A new Show for HULU
The Techno Crane, the Active Stabilized Head,
and The Mo-Sys Lambda were all used
by production. 
Check out the trailer linked below

Panther Pegasus
The Pegasus was used in order to manipulate the light angle to simulate the
arc of a sunset to match a time lapse shot. Worked exactly as production had hoped.

Filipe Esparza
Comedy Show at The Improve

TOYOTA Materials Handling 
18' Jimmy Jib III

24' Jimmy Jib Triangle

SEC Storied
50 feet of track and a 12' arm for this move.
Here is the Link to the final